Thursday, July 05, 2007



The Reverend Doctor Richard Dunn, as usual, delivered an excellent message on this past Sunday morning at the Cornerstone church. As most good messages are prone to do, it struck a chord – or perhaps a nerve – with at least this one person in his audience.

After the fashion of Dear Aunt Blabby of Johnny Carson fame, I admonished him at the door about the use certain terms and the discussion of certain topics in front of an old person. He had talked of being “a sojourner en route to a better place,” and he used words such as “passing through.” Of course, this came from his Bible text regarding Jesus passing through Samaria as he set his face toward Jerusalem and his fate.

But for a person who has passed his 80th birthday, and who has been contemplating his own mortality, this was a bit much for a Sunday morning outing.

Nevertheless, I thought of what might be left to do while passing through and waiting on this side of that river he described, which must be crossed at some time – presumably when the ferry comes. But, alas, my thoughts were less spiritual and more political, as I mentally surveyed the mess in which I would have to leave my country.

During one long quarter-century of this life, I had a mild semblance of control over some part of the lives of several thousand persons. I made decisions, took actions, and fought battles that made their lives a bit better than they would have been otherwise.

But at this age in life, much of whatever influence I may have is through such activities as this blog. Of course, there are still things such as serving or chairing a few boards, participating in some good organizations, and perhaps harassing a few persons in positions of authority.

Back in 2004, after the last presidential election, I had a conversation with God about that outcome. He told me to leave George W. Bush to him, and I agreed. It appears to me that He has done a better job with him than I did. But I have tried to help a little.

So perhaps there is a nugget of truth somewhere in all that. When that ferry comes to take me across the river, and the country is still in a mess, I will just have to leave the rest to Him. If He recruits your help, then do it!

Dr. Edwin E. Vineyard, AKA The Militant Moderate

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