Saturday, April 14, 2007


THINGS I DON'T KNOW *** And Things That I do

There are a number of things the Militant Moderate does not know. Some readers may wonder at this confession. But there are also opinions related to these same matters which come from the applied wisdom of having experienced four score years, much of it in academic, social, and political environments with competitive ideas.

It is supposed to be a good characteristic to recognize what one does and does not know. So, the Militant Moderate wishes to set forth some of the things he does not know or understand about our involvement in Iraq, along with some observations about what he does know.

I do not know the best way to extricate the United States from occupation of Iraq, but I do know that it must be done. And, it needs to be done sooner rather than later.

I don't know why we are still in Iraq. I do know that we are not wanted there.

It is difficult for me to remember exactly why we went to occupy Iraq in the first place. I recall being told different reasons at different times. I know that some of these were false.

It is really difficult for me to understand why we are putting more young people in harm's way to try to pacify an impossible tribal and religious internal conflict in Iraq. I do know that hasn't worked in the past.

I don't know why we pushed to set up a so-called "democracy" in Iraq. I do know that "democracy" there has meant that two ethnic and religious groups (regions) making up 40% of the population will be ruled by the other religious group (region) which is 60% of the people. I know not to be surprised by violent resistance.

I don't understand why leaving Iraq is called "surrender," "defeat," "cut and run," or similar terms. But then I keep forgetting what our goals were in going there. Vaguely I recall something first about regime change, the threat of Saddam to us, and weapons of mass destruction. Then liberating the people came later. And I recall something added later about establishing democracy.

I do not know why we are so dead set on occupying Iraq. I hear it being said that we are fighting terrorism there so they won't invade us. I do think that is a bit farfetched.

I don't know exactly what catastrophic bad things are going to happen if we leave Iraq. They tell us there will be "chaos." An answer comes to mind: "Well, duh!"

I am hard pressed to come with much good that the invasion and occupation have brought to America or its people. I can readily enumerate a host of bad things that have come about as a result of this precipitous, but enduring, conflict.

Perhaps one could continue this line of examination of things we don't know and countering with things we do know. But, I think the significant message has been conveyed.

Edwin E. Vineyard, AKA The Militant Moderate

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