Sunday, February 18, 2007



Our unelected (not counting Florida first and Ohio second) president has just had two "moles" removed from his temples. The Militant Moderate was anxious to research more deeply into the event, fearing there was more to this than met the eye.

He recalled the eloquent and disturbing testimony of none other than Venezuela president Hugo Chavez, saying that he smelled smoke and sulfur around the environs of the rostrum whee Mr. Bus had spoken at the United Nations Assembly hall. While not much credence is generally given to those statements by Chavez, one does begin to wonder about whether these growths removed from Mr. Bush's temples could have been the beginnings of a pair of horns.

This would explain much for those among us who are believers in spirits, demons, and personifications of Satan. Also, those among us who are very much into prophecies, either the Bible or Nostradamus, might have concern. We are not sure that Mr. Bush fits the prophecy about the anti-Christ, but he has shown himself to be a highly attractive personality to segments of our society -- corporate business, the very rich, religious zealots, and rednecks. And, Mr. Bush's foreign policy certainly has been one in search of an Armageddon somewhere in the Middle East.

However, upon further research, the Militant Moderate finds that both these growths were on Mr. Bush's left temple. That undermines the theory above. No devil has two horns on the same side, but the fact that these were on the "left" side seems a bit bizarre. Yet, several theories are possible to explain that condition.

One might be that his left brain is showing some exterior signs of internal deterioration, while his right brain has been strained by challenge. It might be, also, that these are simply symbolic of all his afflictions -- which come from "the left."

Th rumor is that one of those moles had been named "Pelosi," and the other was named "Reid." That rumor has not been validated. Nevertheless, since the surgical removal of these named growths on the left side of Mr. Bush's head, Secret Service personnel protecting the Speaker and the Majority Leader have been alerted.

There is yet another theory, advanced by some who recall Mr. Bush's first presidential election. Who can forget the mysterious rectangular lump in the back of Mr. Bush's coat during that first debate? That was never properly explained, although it was visible to all of us. Suspicious pundits in the media tabbed it to be a "prompting device" to help the candidate electronically with cues to overcome his information gaps.

Could this so-called surgery for removal of moles really be a subterfuge for the removal, replacement, or implantation of nanotechnology devices by which Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rove control Mr. Bush's thoughts and actions? Coming just now, there appears to be a sinister aura around this. Sure, it seems simple, almost casual reporting of something akin to an everyday event. But who knows?

Let this be a warning to the neo-cons in and around the White House. We are watching you! We know that nothing you do is ever just as it appears.

Dr. Edwin E. Vineyard, AKA The Militant Moderate

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