Monday, May 29, 2006


That which purports to be the final week of this legislative year opens in special session this week to accomplish works that should and would have been done already were it not for political posturing and subterfuge. Those who would play games with the the welfare of Oklahoma, its people and its future, revel in the political spectacle and the excitement of tactics and tumult. More knowledgeable persons grimace at the sight, and they cringe at the thought of the harm which may befall our people.

We have gridlock between the house and senate. Why?

Simply put, the gridlock has been created by the political ambitions of republican leaders of the house. Several of these and their friends are running for political offices this year, such as governor, lieutenant-governor, congressman, treasurer, and the like. They want to make a name for themselves with their party base.

Further, these republicans want to appeal to their donor base -- the business and money class. What is the deadlock all about? It is about these republican legislators wanting to give a tax break for rich campaign donors at the expense of education, mential health, prisons, social services, colleges and universities, and all state services.

The democrat leadership in the senate has stretched to make income tax cuts. They propose an increase in the standard personal deductions for individuals and families up to the federal level. It will cost the state, but it is a fair move -- giving an equal tax break to both the rich and the middle class. For middle income families and for high income persons alike, the tax break would be just a few hundred dollars.

The house republicans want a 1% reduction for the income tax rate, leaving exemptions alone. Their proposal will amount to nothng for lower income persons, less than couple hundred dollars for most middle income families, but several thousand dollars for high income filers. (The reason for the difference is that the rate applies only after basic deductions are made.) That tax cut is for those who donate to their political campaigns.

There is a lot of rhetoric, and a great deal of subterfuge, about the house sponsored tax cuts. First, there is the pretension that it is for everybody. It is not fair, of course, and it hurts all who use state services -- the children, the mentally ill, the dysfunctional families, the college kids, safety from criminals -- all of us.

Second, there is subterfuge with beneficiaries -- even the wealthy donor base they are trying to court. Why? Because much of the state tax cut would immediately raise the federal taxes of those who profit from it. (State income taxes are deductible from federally taxed income, a deduction used by the wealthy.)

Let us quit playing political games with our future!

Dr. Edwin E. Vineyard, AKA The Militant Moderate

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