Friday, January 27, 2006



Not long ago the Militant Moderate sat for lunch in Oklahoma City with an intimate group of fewer than a dozen older professionals, a majority probably democrats, one of whom has been known as a sage on state politics.  The question was posed to him, “What is wrong with the democratic party in the state that it has not connected with the people better and had more election success in the last few years?”  

He became very quiet, and softly, reluctantly, he gave us a rather startling observation.  “It is the gays,” he said.  “A big share of the leadership in the party has fallen by default to the gays, because others have not been as active as they should have been.”  He had no criticism of gays, but rather praised their efforts.  He said simply that as long as gays were in the forefront of party leadership, acting as spokespersons for the party message, democrats would run behind in Oklahoma.  “The voters of our state are not drawn to a party with that image,” he said.  

The Militant Moderate and others were all taken aback by that analysis, but several have since expressed a degree of concurrence with what was said there.  

Democrats are a party that accepts differences.  They welcome those who are different to their ranks.  Sometimes these “different” people are those with a history of persecution, and they may be among the outcasts and powerless of our society.  Democrats indeed welcome gays and lesbians, all races, women’s rights activists, and people of all religions.  Democrats welcome people of all levels of wealth and social status.  They welcome workers, both organized and unorganized.  “That is a good thing,” thinks the Militant Moderate.  

Democrats lay valid claim in being a party of the people, and they have an appropriate concern with the unique interests of constituent groups.  But perhaps they emphasize diversity too much.  

Each of these different groups has something to contribute, but each tends to have its own agenda that it hopes to get accomplished in government.  While each may adhere to the general philosophy of the party, each group may tend to place priority on its own agenda.  This leads to a cacophony of voices, rather than a chorus, in presenting the democrat message.  Diversity may be emphasized over unity.  The party has been losing, and that is not a good thing.  

The Militant Moderate has observed that republicans have a party line, complete with constantly updated talking points.  Republicans all sound alike when they speak.  

Republicans take advantage of the differences among democrats.  They attack democrats with caricatures of the groups under their umbrella.  They highlight the love scenes outside courthouses allowing gay marriage.  They frame the abortion issue around the rare extreme of the late term fetus (almost all of which involve health or life reasons).  Worker’s unions are depicted as labor bosses interfering with the right to a job.  Alternatives to overcrowded and expensive prisons, such as drug abuse treatment, are shown as being soft on crime.  Opposing a war based upon lies and deception is called unpatriotic.  Equal rights and equal justice are scoffed.  A stand for peace is labeled as being a liberal wimp.  

Wherever possible, republicans use religion as a political weapon, pandering to fundamentalists by espousing unconstitutional measures.  Ignoring the morality “log” in their own eye, they point to an irrelevant “splinter” and picture democrats as immoral.  Social programs designed to help people are belittled, because republicans hate taxes.  Since public schools must educate the masses, they prefer private education for their own -- at government expense if possible.  

Their partisan office holders manipulate elections, and their partisan court elected a president, but democrats are ridiculed as poor losers for demanding ballot counts and election reforms.  Money has corrupted the whole political process, but republicans stall meaningful campaign and election reform.  

With millions of dollars in proceeds from corrupt lobbyists and special business interests at their disposal, republicans often work through the media to sell their caricatures of democrats to the voting public.  They have been defining the image of democrats.  Too few voters are critical thinkers, so they have had success.  The Militant Moderate thinks, “Not a good thing!”    

  ……..   Dr. Edwin E. Vineyard, AKA The Militant Moderate

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